Hi, I’m Ingrid. Get to know me and what I do!
Meet DuLove Coaching and Retreats
Let me introduce myself and what I do. My whole life – since I remember I loved everything connected to spirituality and self-development. Why? Because I was always different from my peers and people around me. When I was a little girl I practiced healing and had some other “supernatural” gifts. For the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me, I just simply never fit in. I’ve found comfort in working on myself, trying several different hobbies, and meditating. In the last year of my bachelor’s, I found an old diary of mine where I wrote, that when I am old enough, I will help dying people go peacefully. So I did a Hospice care course. Then Covid happened, and I unexpectedly moved. Not just anywhere – but in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean – to the Azores. Here I have realized that instead of helping dying people, my life’s purpose is helping “the living” change their lives until they still can. That’s how the idea of me becoming a coach was born. I did two coaching certificates and started my practice.
I believe that in order to live a happy and fulfilling life we must love and accept ourselves unconditionally, but also give love and care back to the world. That’s why my brand’s name is “DuLove” – as in “Do Love”. For yourself and others – work on yourself, all areas of your life, and also everything you do, do it with love. I love love. When you do things with love and you live in a state of gratitude, your vibration is higher and you attract better things/people/situations into your life.
I call myself a mindset and mindfulness coach, because I believe, that picking only one niche like most coaches would limit the amount of people I can help. Fulfilling life doesn’t just consist of successful relationships or business. It is much more than that. To be happy, we have to master our emotions, and subconscious mind, let go of limiting beliefs, step out of fight or flight mode, create new self-concepts, and start living peaceful and purposeful lives. We can do that by working on our mindset, practicing mindfulness daily, and generally creating new neuro-pathways in our brains. When we do that, all areas of our life improve. We are creators of our lives. Everything that surrounds us is a reflection of our internal environment. Start loving yourself unconditionally, stop procrastinating, and make it happen!

I genuinely care for all my clients and I think that’s what makes me different from a lot of coaches out there. I promise you, that if we work together, I will do everything in my power to help you step into your higher self’s identity and start living the life you were destined to live.
Besides 1:1, couples, and group coaching (online and in person), I have devoted my life to creating 1-day activities/ retreat programs and 1-week retreat programs in the Azores. Island São Miguel is amazing. Known for its beautiful nature, it is a perfect location to reset everyday life and find inner peace. Imagine discovering the island, healing, and reinventing yourself with workshops, guided meditations, coaching, and great food, within a small group of people who are there for the same reason. I can promise you, it is life-changing!
To lead others you must get to know and accept yourself first. So, who am I?

I am a woman who loves herself unconditionally, is proud of who she is, and is happy with who she has become. I am living the life I have always desired. I am beyond grateful for everything and excited to be alive. Has it always been like this? No.
In my childhood, I have always been different from my classmates, and people in my age group, and never really belonged anywhere. It has been hard for me to find like-minded people. I dressed differently. I read spiritual books since I was 8. Participated in several self-development workshops. I guided my first meditation when I was 12. I always tried to fit in but never did. I felt alone most of the time. There was a time when I thought something was wrong with me. I got bullied, and countless times I sat alone during school breaks. I had no confidence regarding my appearance. I did not love myself. I was at times thinking if life is worth living at all.
What kept me going…
No matter what, there was one thing I have always had – a feeling, that I am meant for greater things and that one day I will have everything I desire and be happy. I didn’t know how or when but I knew it was coming and I have to accept whichever opportunity life offers (which can help me achieve it, or at least bring me closer). I have learned languages, I have read self-development books, I learned how to play piano, I have tried singing, I danced (ballet, jazz-ballet, hip-hop, Latin-American dances, cheerleading, salsa, reggaeton, pole dancing…), started working when I was 14. I participated in a beauty contest. That was the first time I told myself that I needed to get out of my comfort zone. Prior to that I didn’t know how to walk in high heels and had no confidence whatsoever. On the day of the finale 10 min before going on stage, my legs were shaking, I was afraid of what the judges and audience would think about me. Will I be disliked again? At that moment I realized – who cares if they do? I am who I am. So I went out there and proved to myself that I could do it… I wanted to experience everything.

After high school, I didn’t know which faculty to pick so I went with a harder choice, that would challenge me more- Biology (my philosophy was that I could always work in the business area without any particular studies, but if I wanted to work in a lab at some institute I need to have the ‘paper, diploma’). I moved on my own when I was 17, just starting college. In my first year, I worked 4 jobs. I was completely burnt out.
Work on a TV…
In my second year of studying biology, I got an opportunity to start working on TV and so I did. It was then, that my life started to turn for the better. I got my own show about celebrities -“Shades of fame”. I had rhetoric lessons. My confidence finally started to take off. In a way, I stopped caring so much about what others might think. I was not defined by other people’s opinions.

I graduated, then took a year off. Besides TV, I worked in a pharmaceutical company as an assistant. It helped me realize I didn’t want to be closed in the lab my whole life, or work in a big corporation, climbing the ladder, and I had no knowledge whatsoever about how the economy works. So I continued my studies in the Faculty of Economics – entrepreneurship.
And then COVID-19 hit. More time to reflect, more time to see who I have become and in which direction my life was going. Then I got another show on TV, and then another. The last one I got was my dream show. It was a travel show about municipalities in my country (Slovenia) which promoted our tourism.

How I ended up in the Azores?
And then it started – all the restrictions and mandates regarding COVID-19. I felt trapped. I took the biggest decision of my life and moved to the Azores after being there on vacation for 14 days. I figured I could finally finish my master’s thesis and rest. I chose myself over what everyone else thought was right for me.

I have left my job, my friends, my family, and all the connections I have built over the years. Left my comfort zone once again.
Who I am, follows me everywhere I go…
I will be me wherever I go. My whole life I have been (I still am) learning. I am a good, loving, sincere person, and I have all the knowledge I got through the years. The move was just a push for me to finally start doing what is my life’s purpose. All roads of life brought me to this point. I felt the urge to share my talents and the knowledge I gained through the years and help people remember who they are and be happy.
I have realized there are many areas that I have mastered…
How to finally love yourself unconditionally, how to find life’s purpose, how to chase dreams, and believe in yourself no matter what. How to become the boss your bosses could never be. How to become your own boss and master your thoughts. How to heal your trauma, inner child, and body. How to listen to your intuition. How to find the ‘right’ spirituality for you. How to find the courage to be yourself. How to become the version of yourself that can attract love, financial abundance, in short, the life you have always wanted to have but never had. How to manifest anything you desire. How to change your mindset and become happy. I want to ease people’s journeys with the knowledge and experience I have gained throughout my life.

Since I have been in the Azores I have rediscovered myself, successfully defended my master’s thesis, did two life coach certifications, and officially became Master Certified Life Coach. That is how my business was born.