If you are planning your trip to the island of Sao Miguel or you are already here, and you want to experience the Azores in a special and unique way while nurturing your body, mind, and soul, you have come to the right place (there are no coincidences anyways ☺️ ). Below you can find several 1-day activities in Sao Miguel, Azores. Including 3 unique one-day programs for small groups, 2 special one-day retreat programs exclusively for women (small groups), and 4 one-day coaching programs for individuals, couples, and groups. Programs are reserved at least one week in advance. Prices depend on the number of participants and the chosen program). All programs can be adjusted to your wishes.
Together we will experience fantastic food, workshops, coaching sessions, guided meditations, and breathtaking viewpoints. I want to gift you a special day you will always remember and treasure.
Transportation, food, hotsprings, and all equipment needed for the programs are included in the price.
1-Day Activities in the Azores – São Miguel
One-day activity programs for women:
One-day retreat programs below are intended for small groups of women (4-6 Individuals) who want to reconnect with their feminine energy, and inner goddess and gift themselves a magical day.
Food, drinks, transport, hotsprings, and all equipment that will be needed are included in the price.

Are you ready?
One-day activities with coaching:
1 Day Happiness Reset is a particular program, a powerful and unique experience designed for individuals, couples, and small groups (4-6 people) wanting to take action, do a digital detox, and reset their everyday lives. Imagine having uninterrupted “you time” to reflect, reassess and reset your thinking to follow your dreams, create a clear path, and plan for the future.
Price includes transport, food and drinks, an entrance ticket for hot springs, two 1-hour coaching sessions, and guided meditation. It depends on the number of participants and is arranged depending on the program.
Why the Happiness Reset Retreat program?
Quality “you” time Time to reflect on your life – what is working for you and what isn’t. Letting go of people/ things that no longer serve your highest good Resolving relationship problems with yourself, your partner, friends, coworkers, or family members. Rediscovering and re-evaluating your self-worth, your strengths, and (forgotten) dreams. Time to reach deep within your mind to discover what is holding you back from being the best version of yourself. Time to identify what you truly want to do with your life/ Business/ career. Set SMART goals and plans for the future and steps to achieve them.
Quality time together Growth as individuals and as a couple. Re-evaluate your relationship, and improve your communication. Set new life/ relationship goals and plans. Improve understanding of each other’s love language. Remove blockages on your way to your dream relationship.
Small groups (4-6 individuals)
Quality time together, separated from everyday (work) life. Teambuilding. Setting Team goals and plans. Removing all blockades standing in your way of being the best team.

Are you ready to reset?
Retreats in the Azores in collaboration with: